Elmiron Lawsuits: Claims, Recalls & Settlements
Our Elmiron lawsuit lawyers can help you get a settlement for your vision loss problem. Individual cases and class-action lawsuits are being filed for the dangerous drug.
You can sue the Janssen Pharmaceuticals drug company if you suffered blindness or eye damage from the prescription medication.
If you took Elmiron and were diagnosed with maculopathy or other vision loss problems, you should contact us immediately.
Our top-rated lawyers provide free confidential case reviews and can help you demand justice. We do not charge any fees or costs unless you get a settlement check.
Let us review your case at no cost to you.
- Elmiron Side Effects?
- U.S. Vision Loss Statistics
- Does Elmiron Cause Vision Loss?
- Maculopathy Symptoms
- How Do I File an Elmiron Lawsuit?
About the Prescription Drug Elmiron
Elmiron is the brand name for the drug Pentosan. Doctors prescribe the medication to treat interstitial cystitis. This condition is more commonly known as painful bladder syndrome or bladder pain syndrome.
According to Interstitial Cystitis Association, more than 12 million people in the U.S. have the condition. It is estimated that between 3 and 8 million women, and 1 and 4 million men have interstitial cystitis.
Patients often take Elmiron continuously for years or decades. The drug is a weak blood thinner and works as a bladder protectant to treat bladder discomfort.
The drug was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1995. The popularly prescribed medication has sales of more than $150 million a year.
Did Elmiron have a Warning Label for Vision Loss Problems?
The pharmaceutical company did not provide a warning label that the drug could cause blindness and other vision problems. In fact, it had NO WARNINGS!
However, in 2018, multiple published medical studies demonstrated the drug was linked to permanent and irreversible visual condition. Despite this information, the drug maker did not warn consumers, physicians, or pharmacists of this problem.
Men and women with vision loss from Elmiron are suing Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The lawsuits demand settlement compensation payouts for your damages.

Elmiron had no warnings that it could cause blindness or other vision problems.
What are the Side-Effects of Elmiron?
Like all prescription medications, Elmiron has some known side effects, including:
- Bruising and discoloration of skin;
- Stomach issues, including diarrhea;
- Digestive problems, including gastroesophageal reflux;
- Dizziness and headaches
- Skin problems, like rashes;
- Problems with sleeping.
These side-effects are problematic and frustrating, but not as life-changing as a loss of vision. Recent studies have shown that the use of Elmiron can lead to vision damage and blindness.
U.S. Vision Loss & Blindness Statistics
According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 3.4 million people age 40 and older in the United States have vision problems. It is expected that this number will double over the next 30 years. Conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration are the main causes of blindness.
The pie chart below shows the percentage of American adults who reported experiencing some or permanent vision loss according to a report for the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in 2017. 19.1 million Americans between the ages 18 and 64, and 7.8 million Americans ages 65 and older reported experiencing significant vision loss.
Does Elmiron Cause Vision Loss Problems?
Several medical studies have found that long-term use of Elmiron has been linked to vision problems and blindness, including maculopathy.
Maculopathy is a condition that affects the macula. This is the central part of the retina responsible for delivering highly sensitive, accurate vision.
The retinal condition is characterized by a progressive loss of central vision. it usually affects both eyes and impaired visual function.
The form of macular degeneration attributed to taking Elmiron is called “pigmentary maculopathy of unknown etiology.”
Common Symptoms of Maculopathy
Maculopathy or macular degeneration is painless. The initial symptoms include distortion of images. Examples are if an object looks deformed or smaller than its actual size. As the disease progresses, symptoms include:
- Impaired vision
- Total loss of vision, or blindness
- Difficulty reading
- Difficulty adapting to dim lighting, especially night vision
- Vision disturbances or distorted vision
- Eye discomfort and pain
Can Using Elmiron Case Maculopathy?
In 2018, researchers at the Emory Eye Center at the Emory School of Medicine in Atlanta alerted the public that taking Elmiron is linked to the retinal condition, maculopathy.
Nieraj Jain, M.D., of Emory Eye Center in Atlanta, Ga., reported that six patients who had been taking Elmiron for about 15 years had developed unusual changes in their macula.
The researchers investigated the complete medical histories of the patients to determine if other medical conditions, like diabetes, caused the condition. However, the only common link for these patients was the long use of Elmiron.
Dr. Jain and his colleagues then warned flag that long-term use of Elmiron may damage the retina. This could lead to vision loss and permanent blindness.
Other medical studies have resulted in similar findings that Elmiron is linked to maculopathy and other eye damage diseases.

Elmiron lawsuits are being filed for those who took Elmiron and suffered visual side effects.
How Do I Sue the Drug Company for My Vision Loss?
You may be able to sue the drug company that makes and sells Elmiron. If you were a long-term user of Elmiron and suffered vision damage, including maculopathy, you may be eligible for the lawsuit.
Elmiron lawsuits allege that Janssen Pharmaceuticals harmed patients by failing to warn them of the potential complication of vision loss and blindness.
Drug manufacturers are required to put serious complications on product warning labels so consumers are aware of the medication risks.
Researchers at Emory University investigated the early clinical trials of the prescription from back in the 1990’s. They found that almost 2,500 patients who took the drug for up to four years had vision problems.
Despite study results from respected medical institutions, the makers of Elmiron failed to place any warnings on the label. It also did not give information about vision loss to prescribing physicians.
Based upon these factors, many people are suing the Elmiron drug company for damage to their eyes and vision. You may be able to sue the company as well.
Eligibility Criteria for the Elmiron Drug Lawsuit
For every dangerous drug lawsuit, there is a set of criteria to qualify for a claim.
Currently, the criteria to file a claim is:
- You must have used the prescription medication for a minimum of at least two years
- Changes in your vision must start while taking Elmiron, or occur and be diagnosed within one year of stopping the use of Elmiron
If you are unsure whether you meet the criteria or qualify for the case, contact our Elmiron lawsuit lawyers immediately!
How Do I File an Elmiron Lawsuit?
The first step is to contact a prescription drug lawsuit attorney to discuss your case. Our experienced lawyers will listen to your story to determine if you meet the case criteria.
If you suffered blindness, vision loss, or maculopathy caused by your use of Elmiron, you are eligible to file a lawsuit or join a class-action lawsuit.
Our legal team will request all of your medical records to support your case. These records will prove that you were prescribed the drug and took the dosages prescribed by your doctor.
The records will also show that your vision loss cannot be attributed to other medical conditions. Your specific eye damage will also be confirmed by the chart.
We will also get your pharmacy records. These records prove that you took the medication and the length of time it was prescribed to you.
Once we have full medical support to prove your claim, we will file your lawsuit to demand compensation for your condition.
Are There Ongoing Elmiron Lawsuits?
There are currently many lawsuits filed against Janssen for not warning about the risk of vision impairment caused by the drug. These lawsuits get consolidated into multi-district litigation (MDL). MDLs are a way to streamline litigation because it allows one judge to make all pretrial rulings.
However, unlike class-action lawsuits, MDL plaintiffs get separate settlements that are based on each individual’s injuries and condition.
What is the Compensation in a Dangerous Drug Lawsuit?
Every dangerous drug lawsuit is different and there is no “typical” or “average” settlement. The amount of compensation depends on a number of factors, including:
- The strength of liability against the pharmaceutical company. This is based upon legal, medical, and scientific evidence.
- The total settlement payout amount. The drug maker often proposes a large, lump-sum settlement amount to be divided amongst all litigants.
- The number of claimants in the lawsuit. Settlement shares are divided between all lawsuit participants.
- The specific harm suffered by each person. Not every litigant receives the same amount. Claimants with more severe injuries get more money.
Most settlements also address the medical expenses, lost income, and other financial losses suffered by the patient. For cases involving blindness and loss of vision, these damages are significant.
The loss of vision is life-altering for a person and family. It affects how people live their daily life, perform ordinary functions, and live independently.
Our award-winning pharmaceutical lawsuit attorneys believe Elmiron lawsuits will provide substantial settlement payouts to victims.
Do I need a Lawyer to file an Elmiron Claim?
Although you could try to file your own claim, it is very difficult to do so for cases involving drug side effects. Cases from around the entire United States are consolidated in certain regions of the country.
Additionally, the courts typically appoint a few law firms as lead counsel for the case. It is very difficult for a person without legal representation to receive a settlement.
How much does it Cost to Hire a Lawyer?
It does not cost any money to file an Elmiron claim or join the lawsuit. There is also no fee to start your case. Our law firm will represent you on a no win, no fee basis. You will not be charged any legal fees unless you win a settlement.
We only get paid when you receive your settlement check at the end of the case.
Contact our Elmiron Lawsuit Lawyers
If you or a loved one has used Elmiron and have experienced vision loss problems, contact Drug Lawsuit Source today.
We work with a team of the top pharmaceutical lawyers in the United States to help victims of dangerous drugs.
There are time limits to file prescribed medication lawsuits, so it’s best to act as quickly as possible.
Call today for a free case review.