Jazmine Lopez Named 2024 Drug Lawsuit Source Scholarship Winner

Jazmine Lopez 2024 Scholarship WinnerSOUTHFIELD, Mich.Drug Lawsuit Source is pleased to announce Jazmine Lopez, of Katy, Texas, as the recipient of the 2024 Drug Lawsuit Source College Fund Scholarship

Established in 2015, the Drug Lawsuit Source College Fund Scholarship offers $1,000 to one student each year who best exemplifies determination and perseverance to succeed in their academic endeavors. 

This year’s scholarship recipient certainly possesses those qualities. 

Lopez is currently enrolled at the University of Texas, studying computer science to pursue a career in the IT industry after earning her undergraduate degree. She plans to specialize in cybersecurity after graduating and inspire other women to pursue careers in the IT field.  

Lopez is a first-generation student and has been passionate about technology since a young age. She highlighted her strong relationship with her family in her essay, especially with her mother who sacrificed many of her own goals to help her pursue her career path. 

“It’s my belief that no difference is too small to make, and in pursuing my passion I hope to increase the amount of women pursuing STEM careers as a whole,” Lopez said. “With this desire and the qualifications that I’ll take into the workforce, I plan on making an impact on how the world views the IT industry.” 

Each year, the Drug Lawsuit Source College Fund Scholarship is available to one student who best displays determination and perseverance, much like Dragos, in their academic endeavors. The student must be enrolled in an accredited college, university, junior college; a high school senior enrolled in summer or fall classes; or attend a trade school in the United States. 

“We’re proud to name Jazmine as this year’s scholarship recipient,” Buckfire Law president Lawrence J. Buckfire said. “She exhibits the hard work and dedication required to pursue a career in STEM, and her determination to succeed is very inspiring.”  

The deadline to apply for the 2025 Drug Lawsuit Source College Fund Scholarship is Nov. 1, 2025. Details for the 2025 scholarship will be posted in the near future on www.druglawsuitsource.com

About Drug Lawsuit Source 

Drug Lawsuit Source is a mass tort and defective medical device online resource provided by Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. — a Michigan-based law firm with the highest possible rating in the legal profession for both skill and integrity. 

Founded in 1969, Buckfire Law represents clients with dignity, respect, and compassion. We help people who have been injured or harmed by dangerous drugs and defective medical products. We will do the same for you. 

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